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bamboo cotton swabs

An Introduction to Eco, Biodegradable Cotton Swabs Leave a comment

Ditch plastic cotton swabs for the good of the environment.

Plastic cotton swabs are bad for us, marine life and the environment. This is why you should ditch them for an eco, zero waste, biodegradable cotton swabs.

It is estimated that in the UK alone, we use over 13.2 billion cotton buds every single year, most of which are not recycled and end up in the rivers, oceans, and lining our beaches.

You might think “why eco, zero waste, biodegradable cotton swabs?” and “what harm can a little three inch bit of plastic do?” but when you consider how many are used every 12 month, you can begin to appreciate the shocking amount of harm that these plastic swabs could have.

So many of these buds end up being flushed down the toilet and making their way into nature. Due to their small size, they easily pass through sewage treatment systems and make their way into the environment. Unlike biodegradable cotton swabs, plastic swabs take potentially hundreds of years to decompose and can break down into harmful microplastics. In other words, these ‘harmless’ little buds are set to pollute the earth for generations to come.

When these buds end up in the ocean, they pose a significant risk to marine life and wildlife as they often mistake them for food. They eat them and fail to digest them, leading to marine life and birds suffering internal injuries, starvation and death. Of course, some of these plastics can also release dangerous toxins to marine life and their environment, which is why going for an eco, zero waste, biodegradable cotton swab is a far better and environment friendly alternative.

We need to take immediate steps to change the situation. It is not acceptable that we cause damage such as this just for our wish to use cotton swabs. There are eco alternatives available that do just as good a job, without causing detriment to the world around us.

Here at Peace With The Wild we have a wonderful range of eco, zero waste, biodegradable cotton swabs that are made from sustainable bamboo and organic cotton that is all ethically and sustainably sourced. They are also supplied 100% plastic free, which helps in the fight against plastic pollution!


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