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Selection of truthbrush plastic free toothbrushes

Why You Should Switch to Eco Friendly Toothbrushes Leave a comment

Some reasons why you should ditch plastic toothbrushes and go for a recyclable, sustainable, bamboo, natural, eco friendly toothbrush

Here are some great reasons why you need to switch from plastic to natural, eco toothbrushes that are plastic-free, sustainable and zero waste.


Did you know that you ever-so-innocent looking toothbrush, sitting innocuously in your bathroom is actually a culprit of environmental damage? There is no getting out of it, brushing your teeth twice a day, every day is a must, but using single-use plastic toothbrushes is not. Instead go for a plastic-free, natural, sustainable, eco friendly toothbrush or eco kids toothbrush for children that is made of bamboo or recyclable, eco, biodegradable materials.

Every year, humans throw away billions of toothbrushes, discarding them without a second thought and most definitely not considering where they go when they depart with the trash.

Toothbrushes are most commonly made of plastics such as polyethylene and polypropylene and whilst some of them are recyclable, more often than not they just end up in the general rubbish followed by landfill or the incinerator. If they end up in landfills, they would take around 400 to 500 years to decompose and even then, they would result in microplastics polluting the earth, water, and being devoured by wildlife.

But these microplastics are not just bad for the planet and wildlife, they are bad for you too. A large amount of these minuscule plastic particles have contaminated sea salt around the world and are finding their way into our food chain. Plastic toothbrushes also contain phthalates which have been linked to a number of unpleasant health issues and are definitely best avoided.

In addition to this, when these plastic toothbrushes are made, the raw ingredients are derived from rubber and crude oil, meaning lots of harmful by-products and chemical nasties are released into the environment during the whole process.

But, there is another eco-friendly, natural, sustainable solution. We have brought together a great eco selection of natural, sustainable, eco toothbrushes made from bamboo and natural beechwood and with bristles made from castor oil and nylon bristles. Go for an eco friendly toothbrush that is either recyclable, biodegradable or compostable, not only will this benefit your health but also our planets health as well. These eco toothbrushes clean your teeth just as well as conventional brushes, find an eco friendly toothbrush that comes in a variety of bristle strengths, and even come in smaller sized eco kids toothbrushes for children and larger adult sizes, so you can get a natural, recyclable, bamboo, eco friendly toothbrush for the whole family!

The only real difference between one of these eco toothbrushes and the ones you buy from your supermarket, is that these are safe, sustainable, eco friendly, natural, vegan, BPA free, biodegradable, and come in plastic-free packaging.

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