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The Fight Against Trash Where Sea Creatures Splash Leave a comment

At Peace with the Wild, we’re 100% behind the Marine Conservation Society’s week-long event – the Great British Beach Clean. Here’s why!

The Marine Conservation Society (MSC) has been the voice of the ocean for over three decades, defending both habitats and species. The 17th October will kick off the annual Great British Beach Clean. Here’s what the charity has found in recent years, and why the event is so important:

  • 425 litter items were found per 100m of every UK beach surveyed 
  • During 30% of beach cleans last year, face masks and PPE were found 
  • There’s been a 55% drop in plastic bags on UK beaches since the 5p charge was introduced

During each beach clean, regular citizens run a litter survey, recording all the items of rubbish they find within a 100m stretch. This data spurs real change. The results alongside essential campaigning have so far provoked:

  • The introduction of the plastic bag charge
  • The banning of microplastics in personal care products
  • Improved wet wipe labelling
  • Supporting a tax on single-use plastic items

To get involved this year, find a beach clean near you. You can view the events that have already been organised to take place here, or organise your own with a range of guides and resources to help.

Cleaning up the nation’s beaches is an admirable and necessary way to ensure wildlife is not compromised by human actions. But reducing the use of plastic, chemicals and other harmful substances is a step to ensure there will one day be no need for beach clean-ups. 

While the pandemic has undoubtedly affected the environment negatively, encouraging the consumption of single-use plastic, there are still many ways of combatting this plastic pollution, while staying safe during COVID 19. Why not take a look at our top tips on being a conscious consumer during a pandemic?

Equally, in your home or on the go, there are a range of small, simple swaps that you can try today, which will make a big difference in the future. Do you really need to buy that next roll of cling film, that plastic toothbrush, or that single-use water bottle? Here’s three of the easiest eco-friendly swaps you can make now to join the fight against trash where sea creatures splash.

Don’t forget to tell your friends and family about the Great British Beach Clean, and inspire others to join you as you campaign for a better future.

Written by Hannah Stark

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